Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Day 1 - The Whirlwind Begins

At 6:05, my alarm goes off, but I really wasn't sleeping too deeply anyway. I never thought I would be nervous about being a PA for Orientation, but I guess I was, nervous and excited. So I didn't get that much sleep anyway. After hopping in the shower, I quickly hopped into my blue PA t-shirt and hopped the 3 trains to CBS.

I got to Lerner Hall at about 7:30, so I was a little late, no one really seemed to notice. I got a big bear hug from Anil who I ran into outside Lerner, what a way to start the morning! After grabbing two cups of coffee I was ready to attack the first years and of course say Hi to my old friends! It was great meeting everyone again after the summer. As a second year, we all look and feel so much more relaxed.

After breakfast, all the PA's stayed for the Dean's Welcome and Intro to the Academic Program. Cabe did a wonderful job with his speech, really impressed! The highlight of course was the snack break. Tradition goes that we walk up and down the aisle throwing snacks at the students. It's actually a welcome relief from the presentation that they are sitting through, and for us, who doesn't like throwing stuff at people?

Lunch is the PA's time to shine. As each Cluster gathers in homeroom, we impart our 2nd year wisdom and words of advice. The first day was about administrative stuff, going through schedules and ice breakers. We had students introduce themselves by saying their names, where they were from, etc. and an embarrassing moment. It worked quite well, we had a good laugh over the cheesy/embarrassing moments.

We then had some free time until 5PM, when they held the welcome reception for the Class of 2007.

The reception was great, lite snacks, great chatting, free alchol...we also had an afterparty, but I forgot where we went... :(


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