Thursday, August 04, 2005

Accomplishments an deadlines

It's amazing how much could be done in a short amount of time if only I put my mind to it. This morning, a meeting of mine got moved from 12:30 to 10:30, and I swear I crammed about 1.5 days of work into that one hour. In the end the meeting went well and I sounded knowledgeable, but I had to shake my head at how much I slack off when I don't have a deadline! I guess the most important thing to do is to set deadlines for myself as I work. Yet if the deadlines are not real, I know that I can push them and end up still wasting time. Hmmmm...what is the best time management option?

Tomorrow is the last day of work for the undergrad intern and therefore we had a little intern get-together/farewell lunch. It was cozy. I got to impart some of my knowledge from working for a couple of years and got a feel as to what the interns wanted for their future. There really is a difference which school you go to. The difference is not quite in the level of intellectual accomplishment but more so in the level of ambition the students have. Those at the top schools seemed to have a lot more drive. I suppose you have to have that fire to be able to get into one of the top schools. Then the peer group continues to motivate you towards are higher goal.

Rarely do the people I come in contact with say that they want a 9-5/6 job and a good paying salary and that is it. I supposed the social group I am part of has a lot to do with that. New York city is also a huge contributor. In the Big Apple, if you stand still you get left behind. That's why most people move out of the city when they want to "settle", NYC is not a place for "settling".


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