Friday, December 09, 2005


So I've sat in front of the computer all day today, with the distinct goal of writing this paper for managerial decision making. So far, I have written an introduction, which took about 10 minutes of the 5 hours that I have been sitting here. Otherwise, I have been reading blogs, searching for random things on the internet or chatting online. Basically, I have done nothing. I need HELP!

The only thing that ever keeps me on track is a deadline, and by deadline, I mean hours. Days, be it one day, does not push me over the edge. Tell me I have 10 hours, and I start moving, give me 30 minutes and I will accomplish feats of unbelievable efficiency and write what could "believably" have taken 3 days. This tells me that I have great potential. That I could have actually complete my paper in the 5 hours that I have sat at this desk instead of spending it doing nothing. *sigh* I think I need a therapist...some type of anti-procrastination coach to get me going.
I bought a book once, called "Eat that Frog" that's supposed to help you stop procrastination. It said to do what you dread doing the most first then move down to the easier items on your to-do list. What it fails to do, is tell me how to do the thing I dread most what step exactly do I have to take to MAKE myself do the things that I hate. If I followed the book's advice, NOTHING would get done. Since I wouldn't even do the things I want to do!



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