Ahhh MAC, the wonderful but unknown Marketing Association of Columbia. Apparently there is a grand scheme to rebrand Columbia's marketing department, Marketing Marketing as it's called. Great idea, I'm surprised marketing had never thought to market themselves before. I guess there's something to be said about the gap between the ivory tower and the MBA marketing students who actually want to be marketers. It took a group of MBA students to do a project on marketing marketing to push the marketing department to believe that they really need to market themselves. A bit ironic don't you think?
Anyways, the MAC dinner at Sezz Medi was nice. All the pleasantries and chatting about summer plans, standard stuff of course. Not to say that people were unfriendly, no we were all the friendliest bunch, and I believe sincerely so. But belong to a club and going out with them for drinks and dinner is not the same as hanging out with friends. I'm actually on the board of MAC, I love it. I have to plan the conference for next year, and I think it's going to be an awesome event, it'll go down in the history books. To be frank though, I have my doubts about the big splash that conferences make. I mean, ok, we all have good reasons to have a big conference and try to make a big splash...but I'm sure that the clubs who had conferences and failed had thought the exact same thing. And they failed....so god knows what would happen. I would be happy to pour my heart and soul into it, but in the end it's all about setting realistic expectations.
Well...the salmon was yummy, the wine was good. I was a bit bummed that I didn't get home until almost 1AM, but well that comes with the territory when you live in JC. I hate events that happen at Columbia, it just takes me forever to get there!!! UGH. I say, lets' really explore NYC, go to the West Village, East Village, Chelsea! Much more character down there.