Friday, April 29, 2005

Friday - The Great Day Off

Granted this is a strange time for me to start a blog about business school, it is in the middle of the second finals week, and I am almost at the official end of my first year of school. I should have started earlier but well, I didn't know about blogger until my good friend told me about her blog.

Also check out to learn more about me outside of school. There I will keep track of everything outside of school and my wedding planning progress.

Today, I plan to start studying for my Operations final, which is going to be on Monday. We will see if I actually have the willpower to actually take some action. My goal in my Leadership final paper was to improve my decision making skills by not overanalyzing and not procrastinating. To do so I need to set an action plan filled with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals (SMART). I haven't even done that maybe my first action goal of the day should be... write down SMART goals...we'll see what happens.


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